Taking the Day Off

Hey Beauty Bees,

I am going out of town this weekend (starting early tomorrow) and have been super busy these last few days. There will be no new post for you guys but I do want to make it up to you in some way. I am giving you guys the choose on what type of post I should do in the upcoming week. If it is fashion or beauty related let me know. Do you want to see a review on a specific product, leave me a comment below and I will try my hardest to find it this weekend and review it for you next week.

I hope to get ahead in writing posts in the next few days as well so I can continue on with my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posting schedule as normal. I will also be doing some shopping while I am away and will do a haul when I am back on Monday so stay tuned for that.

I hope you all have a safe weekend and enjoy the days we all look forward throughout the week.
