The "Me Time" Tag

Hey Beauty Bees,

I found this really awesome tag online the other day and with all the craziness that has been going on with my life in the past few weeks, I can totally use some me-time which is the main topic of this tag. 

Come take a peek into what I am doing and loving when I am not blogging, working or sleeping. Also stay tuned for a special "Life Update" post going up tomorrow all about the "craziness" that I mentioned above.

I tag all bloggers to try out this tag. Now onto the questions...

What do you watch / read during me-time?

Usually during me time I am watching the new episodes of some of my favorite shows such as The Flash, The Big Bang Theory, Suits and Dancing with the Stars. If it is a night that these shows are not on I am binge watching something on Netflix which at the moment is Pretty Little Liars.

For reading material it can be a multitude of things. A book series that I am really into, any of my favorite magazines (Vogue, Cosmo and Elle), or new posts from beauty bloggers.

What do you wear during me-time?
This changes depending on my mood. If I want to be extremely comfy it is usually a hoodie and baggy sweats from Victoria Secret PINK. If I am relaxing before or after going out, I will usually be in leggings and a over sized cozy cardigan, As long as I have a comfy pair of slippers and a soft blanket with me, anything I wear is fine.

What are your me-time beauty products?
Me-time is all about being comfortable.  It's a good opportunity to let your skin breathe and give it a break from make-up. This is usually the best time to use a facial mask. I also always have a lip balm close by to keep my lips moisturized.  For my hair, headbands are a must. With long hair, it tends to get into my face alot, so headbands keep it out of the way so there is no fussing.

Current favorite nail polish?
Currently, I have been going for brighter colors again. I have been swapping between the polishes I got from my Square Hue Monthly subscription that I did a review for in July. You can read more about them here.
What do you eat/ drink during me-time?
I am a huge chocolate fanatic, so anything with that sweet indulgence is usually what I am snacking on. For a drink, tea or some sort of frozen coffee is my usual go to. For the longest time I hated coffee, but over the past year or two I have started to like it more and more.

Current favorite candle? 
My fiance and I love burning candles in our apartment and usually get them from Yankee Candle or Bath and Body Works. We are just finishing up our candle called Vineyard from Yankee Candle, which is scented like a powerful blend of ripe and sweet grapes. For our next scent, I am thinking something with lemons or citrus.

Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
I love spending time outdoors, whether going to the beach, going for a walk or just sitting outside my apartment while reading a book or listening to music. Winter time is definitely harder to get out there but during the warmer months I try to spend more time outside then in.

Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I use to always feel subconscious going to the movies alone until I tried it. My Fiance works near a theater and one day he ended up having to work later then normal and I had a couple hours to waste while waiting for him before we went out for dinner. The best way was to see a movie although it was alone. I actually really enjoyed it, it was a great way to have me-time while being out and about. I have since then seen many movies alone that other people weren't up to seeing. The last movie I saw alone was Think Like a Man Too.

Favorite online store?
This one is very hard to answer since I love shopping and there are countless online stores that I like. I have noticed that I enjoy window shopping online more to get ideas on what type of clothing or makeup I would want to purchase in future shopping trips.

Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
Me-time does not always have to mean being at home relaxing or being lazy. It means doing something that you love to do or something that makes you happy. Personally for me there are three things that I love to do that constitute as "me-time" in my mind. 

The first is writing. I enjoy writing so much because it gives me the chance to express myself in ways that other things can't. Sitting down typing at a computer or picking up a pen and paper relaxes me and makes me feel that I am doing exactly what I want and should be doing to help start my career in journalism.

The next is shopping. Yes, I know, no shocker there. I absolutely love going shopping, alone. I do enjoy going shopping with my girlfriends or Fiance but shopping alone is definitely something that helps me relax. It gives me time to think and really just enjoy myself with one of my interests - beauty & fashion.

Lastly, enjoying a coffee at a coffee shop. This past summer I spent quite a few days reading and writing at local coffee shops and it honestly was so relaxing in my eyes. Growing up in an Italian family came with alot of noise and constant business, extreme quiet actually makes me feel very uncomfortable which is why whenever I am home alone I need to either have the TV on or music playing. This is why I loved spending me-time at a busy place like a coffee shop where there are constantly different people coming in and out and many others doing the same as you, enjoying a drink and having me-time whether it be reading, on there laptops or just listening to music.

How do you like to spend your me-time?


  1. Amazing post.. I like watching pretty little liars too but I've stopped it for some time now :D

    1. I have been inlove with that show :) Currently on Season 4

  2. Awesome post, Linda! I also wear sweatsuits from Victoria's Secret PINK. They're so comfy! I might have to add this to my "Posts To Do" list. I really enjoyed reading it. :) xoxo

    Guilianna |

    1. Aww thanks Guilianna, this was a really fun post to write. I can't wait to read yours if you do it 😃


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