5 Tips On Being An Organized Blogger

orgnized, blogging, blogger

Hey Beauty Bees,

We all have different life situations that can get in the way of our blogs. School, work and family life are all busy parts of our day but with the right organizational tips you can easily add on your blogging tasks without it becoming a burden. 

It took me almost a year of blogging to get myself organized and learn what the best way of doing things were. I decided I would put together my top 5 tips on being an organized blogger for all the new bloggers out there who are just starting out and even for ones who have been doing it for years.

1. Plan Out Your Posts
I have a personal planner that I carry in my bag on a daily basis to keep all events, appointments and other important dates organized.
I also use Dayviewer to schedule out my posts a month or two at a time. I highly suggest this as it helps you stay on track and keeps you from being stuck for any post ideas. Dayviewer is a great interactive calender that allows me to easily swap days and move around anything I need too. I can easily print it off to have a hard copy on hand that I fold into my personal planner. There are many extras on this site that makes organizing your days so much easier like color coding and email reminders.
dayviewer, organized

2. Back Up Plan
There are some days that I can write multiple posts in one night but what am I suppose to do with the extra posts...SAVE THEM! There are always going to be times where you get too busy to write so having a few back up posts can be a real life saver. I try to always have 1-2 generic posts that can work at anytime of the month or year ready so if I ever get behind in work, I still have something for you guys. Even just having a list of post ideas that have a few topic points under each title to get your started can be beneficial. 
Sometimes you will know ahead of time that a certain month is going to be super busy and you may not be able to keep up. This is the best time to reach out to those blogger friends you have made and see if they would be willing to guest post for you. With one post down, it frees up time for you to play catch with any other ideas you have for your blog.

3. The To Do List
Write out a to do list. Whether they are daily or weekly, lists help you to prioritize what needs to be done and helps you remember if you forget half way through the day. This is a great way to balance out blog tasks and other things like schoolwork, cleaning and any other things you need to do.  I constantly have to do lists on the go and nothing makes me feel more productive and accomplished then getting my full list done everyday.
I also always have a notebook on me in case I need to jot something down. I have two different ones, a small one for my purse and a bigger one next to my bed. 

4. Do It In Bulk
In tip #2 I talked about writing multiple posts at a time if you have the urge. This tip is more for taking pictures. Usually during the weekend I will look at my calender for 1-2 weeks ahead and figure out what needs to be photographed and then take pictures in bulk. This is very convenient since you are not getting out your camera and setting up a spot every single day.

*Always remember to take multiple shots of one specific photo in different angles, it helps majorly in the editing process when you are sorting through pictures. This way you do not have to retake any photos when you already cleaned up shop.

5. Start a Blogging Binder
I saved best for last - my blogging binder. It honestly is like my Holy Bible.This is what keeps me majorly organized. I have multiple sections in this binder for all different aspects of my blog.

Scheduling - This is where I keep a copy of my printed off calendar pages with my scheduled posts. I also have a copy of my daily posting checklist that I use when editing and uploading all new posts. This list reminds me to check my fonts, insert page breaks, have a catchy title, link to other posts and many other things that every good blog post should have.

Post Ideas-  This section is for my long running list of post ideas. I also keep magazine articles that interest or inspire me for different beauty and fashion blog posts. **If you are ever stuck for ideas grab your favorite fashion or beauty magazine, it is full of inspiration.

Seasonal- This is where I keep all my seasonal ideas. Ideas for holidays or special days in the years. I also like to write down shopping lists or sale dates for photo decor for the holiday time.

Reviews- This is where I go every time I do a review for a company. I start a fresh page and write down the companies name, email, background info, expected blog post date and any other info that I have gotten from the company. Once I get the products I then jot down notes for me for when I actually get to sit down and write the post. I keep a pocket folder in this section specifically for any brochures or print outs the company may have sent with the package. 

Blog Stats- This is a very beneficial section for any blogger. This is where I keep my chart of stats that includes page views, social media followers and blogging awards or credits. From time to time I will print off my Adsense info and compare. I also keep a run of any advertising companies I work with here to see how I am doing with working toward my goal of monetization.

This is how I stay organized as a blogger. Some things may or may not work for your particular blog but I definitely suggest working towards a goal of being more organized because it can really show. I talked about how I got into a Blogging Rut in a past post, but since I got back into organizing my blog, it was easy to get back into the swing of things.There are also many other blog posts out there that give you tips and tricks to staying organized.  Let me know below what you do to keep organized or link me some of your favorite posts from other bloggers that touch on this topic.


  1. what a nice tips Linda.. nice to meet and read your post..^^


    1. Thanks so much!! Cant wait to check out your blog too!

  2. This is a brilliant post - the best I have read on the subject. I am SO going to start a blogging binder - that is an incredible idea. Thanks so much for sharing. I have followed and cannot wait to read more x

    1. Thanks Julie, I always suggest that every blogger starts a binder, it is soo helpful.

  3. There are some awesome ideas in this post! I've just written down some ideas for 'generic' post ideas to have when I'm lacking inspiration, like my everyday makeup bag etc. Thank you :)

  4. Love the "blogging binder" idea...
    great post 💗


    1. Thanks Dawn, My binder is my holy bible!! It is so helptul

  5. Great tips. I should be doing all of this really.

    1. Thanks, They really are a great way to stay organized and keep a blog up to date.

  6. I really enjoyed this post. I didn't even think about a binder! I'm having difficulties timing videos and blogs together so I'll definitely take some of these into consideration.

    1. Thanks, I have been getting a lot of great feedback with my binder idea. I honestly thought it was something everybody would have but I am so happy that I was able to share the idea with so many.


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