The Blogging Rut

Hey Beauty Bees,

As you may have noticed in the last two weeks I have been majorly slacking with my blogging schedule. I usually post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Even though I majorly regretted doing it, I had to skip on a few days and did not have the time to come up with and create an interesting post for today.

I am officially diagnosing myself with a bloggers rut. I have been having a hard time making the time to sit down and get some writing done. Even when I do find a snippet of time to blog, my brain decides it is too tired or distracted to come up with something. I have caught myself multiple times just staring blankly at my laptop.

It has been a super busy few weeks of travelling, planning and shopping, especially with the wedding coming up next week. I can almost guarantee that next week will not be a full set of posts either. The following week I should be back to normal and hope to bring even better posts for your guys. You can look forward to fashion and beauty hauls, a few reviews and many Spring/Summer inspired posts.

I also wanted to let all other bloggers know that you should never put immense pressure on yourself to post whenever your schedule says you should. You need to remember that you are the director of that production and you make the rules. We put these goals on ourselves to get content out on certain timelines but sometimes life gets in the way a.k.a work, school, family life and just personal reasons.

I personally feel that I rather skip a day of posting then trying to put together something in 5-10 minutes that would not meet the standards of all my other posts. (Although this almost seems like one of those posts, but I felt it was needed) You guys are the ones who are coming to my blog for my beauty insight and I would never want to give you bad advice or pointless information. I want to be able to put forth 100% in every post.

If you ever feel yourself getting in a blogging rut because you are putting too much pressure on yourself or you are being overwhelmed with work, just take a blogging vacation. Just like any other job you are usually given vacation days, why should this be any different. 

This week my Fiance surprised me with a 3 day trip to Foxswood Casino and Resort. He always supports me with my blog but he knew how busy we have been in the last few weeks and he thought it would be a good idea for us both to take a mini vacation to just relax and recharge, especially with the upcoming week of wedding festivities. We had 3 full days of fun and relaxation without either of us allowed to talk about work. It really did help us to be able to have a fresh start once we got back home yesterday. This is also the reason I did not have a fashion or beauty post written up for Wednesday and today.

You can check out some of the highlights from our trip on my Instagram or Twitter.

Let me know what you do when you are in a blogging rut to get yourself back into the swing of writing.


  1. How sweet of him. Sounds like you guys had fun. I often feel the same sometimes. I go through phases where I get so many ideas/topics in my head then weeks where my mind goes blank. Quality over quantity. Congrats on your wedding!

    1. Thanks! And yes my fiance was a sweetheart with this surprise trip. I definitely feel that quality over quantity is always the way to go.

  2. I completely agree with you, I would much rather not post than but together something I'm not happy with! I like to speak to other bloggers when I have no motivation, they always help me out.

    What a lovely thing your fiance did! x

    1. We should really start a motovation group or twitter chat on this topic. Bringeneral all bloggers together who need a bit of a boost

  3. I actually don't get into a blogging rut or experience bloggers block but I do sometimes feel a little down when it comes to my blog if I'm to making any progress x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x

    1. Wow, I would love to not get bloggers block.

  4. Completely agree, I'd so much rather wait and blog when I'm really proud of something rather than post something just for the sake of keeping to a schedule. My way of getting out of the rut is to write down every idea for my blog the minute it comes into my head; looking back over ideas that I thought weren't writing about at the time can make me see them in a whole new light!!

    1. Yes!, I constantly have a notebook close to me all the time. It is so helpful.


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