What's in my College Backpack?

What's in my College Backpack?
Hey Beauty Bees,

Today is my first day back to school and I am so excited to be able to share some college related posts in this new leg of my blogging career. I am currently going into my junior year at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and over the past couple years I have picked up many tricks for staying organized in my school and daily life.

A major part of being organized in your daily school day is to have an organized and well packed backpack! In this post I will be sharing everything that I keep in my school bag to help me get through the day and be the most successful.
backpack essentials
Most days I carry this backpack that I got back in freshman year. As a commuter student, I feel that I need to carry my whole life around with me so a sturdy bag is very important. With its many pockets and sections, I can easily organize everything I need in its own spot. I also really love that it is bright and colorful, making it easy to spot.

Although not pictured, I also like to have a tote bag handy to use on days where I only have one class and do not need to carry as much.
laptop and planner
The first most important things that go into my backpack are my planners and my laptop. I tend to write most notes on my laptop so I bring it with me to every class. I also need my planners to write out important dates for assignments, homework as well as dates concerning work and my blog.
For any classes that do not allow technology in class, I always have a couple notebooks and my pencil case full of colorful pens, highlighters and mechanical pencils. I also always have a pack of post its handy for whenever I need them!
The heaviest items in my backpack are always my textbooks! Here are some of my textbooks for two of the classes I am taking this semester: Intro to Journalism, and Italian American Literature and Culture
beauty essentials
I always carry a makeup bag filled with beauty essentials I may need throughout the day:
♥ lip gloss
♥ tweezers
♥ hand lotion
♥ hand sanitizer
♥ bobby pins
♥ hair tie
♥ perfume roller ball
♥ chapstick
♥ Kleenex

fem products
I also carry another makeup back for feminine hygiene products such as extra pads, tampons, wet wipes and Tylenol.
Finally, there are three important things I need to get through every morning.

1. My Contigo coffee mug filled with the brew of the day!
2. A snack or some sort of breakfast food
3. My wallet in case I forget 1 or 2 and I need to grab breakfast at Starbucks or the Dining hall.

That pretty much sums up everything that I lug back and forth from campus everyday. Are you going back to school this year? Leave a comment below letting me know what you keep in your backpack for school or even your bag for work!

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  1. Hope you had an amazing first week, girl!



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