3 Things You Need to Learn About Minimalism

In a world where more asks for more, the minimalist look is a refreshing take on clutter-free style. Minimalist style is modern, it is clean and it exudes an effortless approach to fashion. From Sara Donaldson's blog Harper and Harley to Sabrina Meijer blog afterDRK and so many more, the minimalist take on fashion is being put at the forefront and given a new light on how beautiful this ostensibly simple style is.

Unlike other fashion looks, the minimalist one requires more thought, as the no-fuss choices mean you cannot simply throw things on in an eclectic manner as a boho fashionista would, instead, you have to have pieces in your wardrobe that speak to the minimalist style in themselves.

There are a few things you have to do if you want to become a minimalist style star. Starting out by looking at what you already have in your wardrobe is a good idea and once you have things sorted out, invest in a few good basics - solid colored long sleeved tops and pants. There is more that you can do to rock the minimalist look and the following are three tips to help you transition into a minimalist in an effortless way.

Sticking to black, white and grey is not the only option
The biggest misconception when it comes to minimalist style is that one should only stick to wearing black, white or grey. While it is common to see many minimalists stick to these three colours, it does not mean other colours are out of the question. Rather than choosing the colours others have associated with minimalism, take the time to choose which colours work best for you and invest in pieces that show your preferences off in solid colours.

Stick to one, maximum two, colours in an outfit
When it comes to building your look, minimalist style requires that you stick to one, maximum two colours in an outfit. Go for a stunning black dress, like these dresses from Designer forum, mix a nude skirt with a white crop top or go for a white on white ensemble. You can go for blush from head to toe or you can mix grey and orange to make a colour statement. Whichever colours you decide to wear, make sure that the clothing pieces you choose are in solid colours to exude that minimalist trait.

Aim for the architecture
The best thing about minimalist style is that it allows us to play with the architecture of the clothing. Devoid of bold patterns or florals, and having a solid colour showing every edge, every stitch of the piece of clothing, means you can wear pieces that have more of an architecture to them. Invest in tops that have bold shoulders or an asymmetrical shape; choose skirts with structured pleats and pants that are statement pieces in themselves. Make sure that you dont stop at wearing these pieces only for formal occasions, instead, rock them for day looks as well!

Author Bio: Regina is a fashion expert who enjoys empowering others by sharing what she knows. Read more about her fashion hacks on Designer Forum.


  1. Interesting read! I love playing with the 'architecture' and silhouette of a look as you mentioned. I really believe fashion should have an experimental element to it after all! And I never thought of that either; that minimalism isn't just about grays/whites/blacks, the outfit in that photos totally proves that!

    SinĂ©ad ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

  2. I am glad you enjoyed it! Regina did a great job on this post.


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