Beauty Buzz Trial - Nailtiques (Round 2)

Hey Beauty Bees,

I have worked with this great nail company in the past and today I wanted to come back and share a new product that I found very interesting. 

If you have not heard of Nailtiques before, you can check out my first review of this brand where I tried out a hand conditioner and two nail polishes:

The product I was sent to try out was their Avocodo Foot Crème.

With warmer weather finally here, I have started my Spring Cleaning. This means Winter boots are getting put away and out comes the sandals. Feet have been covered up by layers of socks and boots all Winter, that sometimes they can get rough, dry or cracked. This foot creme is a deep penetrating, non-greasy moisturizing product rich in avocado oil that will help out with all our feet problems.

When I first opened up the package I was excited to see that the product was actually green. I was also taken back by how great it smelt,  not too overwhelming but a nice light scent.

I really enjoyed the actually product as well. The creme was very thick and felt really good when you started massaging it into your feet. I would suggest only using a small amount at a time as a little goes a long way. At first I thought it was feeling greasy since it was not soaking into my feet really fast, but I did use quite a bit. After a little bit more massaging, it was fine.

My stubborn foot problem is that I tend to get dry, rough heels. Right away I noticed my feet felt a little softer but I knew it would take a little while for the product to really start working its magic. Once I went to bed and woke up, I noticed a big improvement in the feeling of my feet. I continued to use this product every night before bed for an entire week and each morning I kept noticing more improvements. 

This product will definitely be one that I use a lot this Spring, to get my feet ready for all the new sandals I plan on buying.

Beauty Buzz Rating: 4/5
Have you tried out this brand before? Let me know below or tweet me at @leepoe1 

Check out Nailtiques site for more information on these products and many more:

Also check out the giveaway I am running here for a chance to win some awesome prizes 
*Disclaimer- I am not being paid to write this review however I was sent these products for free from Nailtiques. All opinions are my own and are based on my personal experience and liking of the products. 


  1. I've never tried this before, but I have tried other foot lotions and balms, like the one from sanctuary spa, which is really good. I also get dry, rough heels so I would love to try this.x
    FloralsAndCoralsx // Our Blog

    1. I have never heard of Sanctuary Spa, I will have to check it out. Thanks for reading!


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